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Over one hundred Family Trusts created


Over one thousand Wills written


Twenty-five Years Estate Planning Experience


One million plus saved for clients

Advanced Medical Directives

Having your advanced medical directive can help reduce stress and anxiety in the toughest of times

Research suggests that as many as 90% of older adults haven’t documented their wishes for end-of-life care. Preparing for a time when you may be too ill to make your own medical decisions is an important step and can help your family and friends at a time of high stress and anxiety.

An Advanced Medical Directive (AMD) can ensure that you have the quality of life that is important to you and can help you avoid having treatments that are ultimately futile. Documenting your wishes at a time when you are capable and clear frees your loved ones from having to make life and death decision on your behalf and guidance for the staff that are taking care of your well-being.

Why it’s important to consider your advanced medical directive

  • Provides your loved ones with a clear set of directives based upon your life decision.
  • You can choose who you wish to be in control of the decisions should you fall ill
  • The document must be signed by two independent witnesses one of whom must be your doctor
  • It provides guidance to those that are in charge of your well-being
  • Unexpected end-of-life situations can happen at any time meaning AMD’s are not just for the elderly
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